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д-р Йорданка Паскалева Педиатър детски гастроентеролог

The opinion of of your pediatrician

How to protect the often ill child – is there a solution? Children’s health comes with good immunity. The immune system fights disease-causing microorganisms. A strong immune system protects the body from disease by providing natural defenses against the disease, and a weakened immune system makes the child more susceptible to infections. Acute respiratory infections (ARI) and gastroenteritis (GE) are one of the most common reasons why parents seek medical help. Upper respiratory tract infections (UTIs) are extremely common, especially in early childhood. This has its explanation in the first place due to the underdeveloped immune system.

д-р Павлина Темнялова-Лозанова Педиатър и Общопрактикуващ лекар

The opinion of of your pediatrician

Child development is a complex process involving continuous interactions between an individual’s genes and the environment. During the first 2-3 years of life, the child’s body develops very quickly and is most sensitive to external influences. This is the time when the child gradually leaves the home environment, begins to communicate more with his peers, attends kindergartens, where larger groups are more likely to encounter adverse effects of pathogenic viruses and bacteria. That is why in this period it is extremely important to have a complete diet, which contributes to optimal growth and proper social, emotional and mental development. In outpatient pediatric practice, we encounter both sick and healthy children on a daily basis. Monitoring their physical and neuropsychological development, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic diseases in order to prevent hospitalization, constantly puts us in a situation to look for appropriate means to maintain the optimal condition of the child’s immune system. This process is related both to the preparation of prevention programs for healthy or frequently ill children, and to the preparation of programs to support their own resistance after acute infections in the recovery period.